in due course

Posts tagged “coursework

水曜日 ありました。木曜日あります。

Halloween was so much fun…

Me as Wednesday Addams

Yes I am now one of those tw**s that takes a picture of themselves in the mirror!

Had a listening test today in Japanese. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook (click here if you want to be) will have noticed already, heh! It went so very well but then I ran out of time! Damnations. I missed about 6 questions (out of 50?) but all of them that I did answer I think I got correct.

I find listening in Japanese so difficult. It’s ok when it’s written down and I can see what the vocab is, but when it is said (in super fast speed) I miss all of the important bits. Tomorrow I have Japanese conversation so I will get to practice some more!

I haven’t done my portfolio work yet and Sensei’s getting a bit miffed at me I think, so I better go and do that hey!



Right well I’m finally back! The month of coursework hell is over!!! All I have left is 2 exams and I’m FINISHED with this year!!! So this is the part where I apologise about the quite frankly crap effort I’ve been making in every other part of my life that doesn’t involve coursework:

Sorry guys 😦

So let me update you on the last month: COURSEWORK. JOB, STRESS.

That’s pretty much all I’ve been doing! Japanese seems to be going pretty well, I feel ready for Friday’s big exam. The exams are multiple choice BUT with negative marking if you get the answer wrong, intense. You better all wish me luck! So today I’m going to be mostly going over grammar points (I hate grammar!) Too many particles to understand, so I went and bought myself a super book to explain the lot to me BUT I can’t even understand the ENGLISH words (words like idiocyntasmiplosia… hnn, not exactly that but you get the idea).

Also gonna review a filmy for the beautiful Marcello 🙂

New semester, film reviews and a bit of rambling!

New term starts tomorrow! CANNOT WAIT! Starts of with a 2 hour Japanese grammar lesson (which I am in dire need of at the moment!) and then a new module, The Making of Modern Japan:

This module studies the trajectory of Japan’s extraordinary rise from a feudal, resource-poor nation in the 1850s to the world’s second largest economy in the early twenty-first century. We will examine the social, economic and political changes of this period through primary source materials, secondary scholarship by both Western and Japanese scholars (in translation), literature and films. In so doing, students will acquire a firm grasp of the research tools and methods needed to pursue further interest in the study of Japanese history.

How very exciting! This module is 100% coursework which I am たくさん良いabout.

I didn’t even tell you about my results for last semester! I only got a B for Contemporary Japanese Cinema which I ain’t very happy about since I kicked the CRAP outta the essay about A Snake of June (a more fun version of which you can find here) AND I nailed the essay on Throne of Blood! But hey, at least a B is still pretty good!

So anyway, I’m also doing a module called Personhood, Gender and the Body in Contemporary Japan, deets:

This module will introduce anthropological perspectives on personhood, gender, and the body, and will examine these with reference to ethnographic material from Japan. This will also include a discussion of some issues relating to medical anthropology, including medical systems in Japan, and beliefs and practices surrounding reproductive technologies, the end of life, and organ donation.

Sounds intense!  What do you think? Other than that I’ve got my standard Kanji lessons (to which I have an exam on Friday, eek!)

ON TOP OF ALL THIS I have a review on Japan Cinema which I haven’t even told you about, jeez, where is my head? UZUMAKI! Crazy film, if you haven’t seen it, read my review, hey even if you have seen it, click on the picture below!

In the middle of all this revision/stressing about new lectures/exams, I still need to write a new review! I have a good one in mind…