in due course

Posts tagged “travel

Brain-dead bunnies and a happy Pikachu

This is it, the day before my last exam! Been up since 8am, it is now 10.20am and my brain has already shut down.

I’m just doing some reading comprehension (lame!) I think the exam will give me a bunch of Japanese texts with some Japanese questions about said texts which I then have to answer in Japanese? Either way I’m pretty screwed… and scared! So I need to practice my reading skills, which are shocking to say the least:

All the pretty Japanese writing is tainted with my inevitable doom!

The library is dead! It’s hard to believe that this time 2 weeks ago people were actually sleeping in here. Now it’s just me and some other guy exchanging glances of worry.

So once again I need lots of luck, I might even wish myself luck because I’m grasping at straws here!

3 images in one post? Aren’t you lucky!

Suicide in Japan

Well, after much demand I’m back for another post! 🙂

And today’s topic is…. Suicide in Japan. Such folly (this is obviously a joke let’s not take my idiotic humour seriosuly for this post guys.)

As per usual this is for research, more specifically for a presentation that I’m doing next week with my new friend (hello!) and some other guy… don’t know his name, I’m a bad person.

People may remember that after I posted a review on Suicide Club for I recieved a rather informative comment about suicide being a serious problem in Japan (If you don’t know what I’m on about then you obviously didn’t read my review, get a grip and read it now… Suicide Club Review)

OH MY GOD my new review is up… sorry, getting sidetracked, I’ll get back to that..

So yeah, suicide… as in all countries reasons such as depression and unemployement are main factors, but Japan also has the whole issue of social pressures; school grades, doing well in a business etc. AND THEN there’s stuff like ‘double-suicides’ (forbidden lovers and all that) and honourable suicide within war, covering pretty much all reasons why anyone would want to kill themselves, ever. A quick Googling bring up ‘suicide apartments’, the ‘suicide forest’ (Aoikigahara – the world’s second most popular suicide location. If you must know number 1 is the Golden Gate Bridge, there was a documentary made about that, I saw it and it freaked the crap outta me, you actually saw people die… I’m getting sidetracked again.) There was also apparently a rise in suicides int he area after the Fukushima disaster. So it’s all quite intense and rather disturbing from what I can see.

I haven’t looked that much into it yet and our presentation is next week so any help would be nice 🙂

NOW my new review, also rather apt if you ask me, READ: